Object Trek Wiki

"But, What is the contest?"

Rolling Pin Tells To Megaphone

Rolling Pin (cylindricus clumsius), labeled The Clumsy One, is a male contestant on Object Trek and Object Trek TWO. He was placed on the Floppy Rabbits in season 1.


Rolling Pin is the clumsiest contestant on the show. He is aware of this, and tries to avoid dangerous situations.


Click here to view the coverage of Rolling Pin
Click here to view the coverage of Rolling Pin.


  • Rolling Pin is the only contestant who did not speak in episode 1. His first speaking appearance was in the auditions.
    • Episode 2, however, was the first episode where he spoke.
  • Rolling Pin was the first male contestant confirmed for season 2.


External Links[]

Floppy Rabbits

Current: Pie | Swim Trunks | Bathing Suit | Flasky | Scrolly | Snowflake | Dictionary | Rope | Rolling Pin Eliminated: Broccoli

Floppy Rabbits Symbol